Blanche Magarinos-Rey
On the occasion of the Super Moon of this month of June and a few days before the summer solstice, Paola Hivelin and Sophie Rokh continue their initiatory journey through the Tarot. This month, the Emperor arcana is in the spotlight and the hosts welcome Blanche Magarinos-Rey, a lawyer at the Paris bar specializing in environmental and town planning law. The hosts and their guest discuss the defense of biodiversity and individual and collective freedoms, as well as the seed marketing regime.
In this episode, you will find the Lunar Saga by Stéphanie Lafranque, aka La Tisanière Tatouée, The Initiatory Herbalism by Marilyn Brentegani and Just The Good News Please, by Jo Youle. You will also discover Charlotte aka Mangeuse d’herbe column, Rocket Launcher, who will talk to us about veganism. Enjoy your listening!
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Episode IV
00:36 – Paola Hivelin and Sophie Rokh continue their initiatory journey through the Tarot, with this month’s Arcane of the Emperor.
02:00 – What are the implications of the war in Ukraine and the health crisis for environmental advocacy? What can civil society do?
6:45 – Rocket Launcher, the chronicle of Mangeuse d’herbe.
11:36 – Marilyn Brentegani’s herboristerie initiatique: mugwort.
16:56 – What role did the media play in this health crisis?
19:58 – Our guest talks about her choice to work only with women in her law firm. Do these new ways of working herald the end of the patriarchal system?
24:58 – Just the Good News, Please, Jo Youle’s column.
27:07 – Blanche looks back on her work for the seed marketing regime.
31:35 – What is its relationship to the figure of the witch?
34:43 – The Lunar Saga of Stephanie Lafranque aka La Tisanière Tatouée.
39:43 – To close this episode, Paola Hivelin reads an excerpt from Quel monde voulons nous from Starhawk.
References cited
in the episode IV
Readings by Paola Hivelin and Sophie Rokh
The Library of Esoterica vol2 – Tarot: Jessica Hundley, Taschen, 2021.
Quel monde voulons nous: Starhawk, Cambourakis, 2019.
Where to find the work of Blanche Magarinos-Rey?
Artemisia lawyers: Blanche Magarinos-Rey’s law firm for the defense of human rights, of the environment and biodiversity.
Lawyers 4 democracy: A group that works to safeguard the rule of law, democracy and fundamental freedoms, both individual and collective.
Semenses hors-la-lois: Blanche Magarinos-Rey, Collection Manifestô – Alternatives, Gallimard, 2015.
Guest: Blanche Magarinos-Rey
Animation: Paola Hivelin et Sophie Rokh
Production: Gang Of Witches
Conception: Gang Of Witches
Editing, mix : Paola Hivelin et Sophie Rokh
Sound design: Gang Of Witches
Musics: Gang Of Witches, People Have The Power – Patti Smith, 1988
Photography: Kokopelli
Branding: Vivien Bertin
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