Laura Nsafou
For this second full moon of the summer, known as the “harvest” moon, Sabrine Kasbaoui, our host, welcomes Laura Nsafou, alias Mrs Roots. Author of numerous children’s books and Afrofeminist blogger, our guest will release in a few weeks the first volume of Nos jours brûlés, her first novel, published by Albin Michel Jeunesse. She will talk to us about Elikia, the heroine of her novel, about Candomblé and the Orishas, about African mythology and more particularly about the importance of storytelling in transmission. She will also talk about her journey and her commitment as an Afrofeminist activist. In this episode you will find Searching for the witch, the column by Marjorie Delle-Case and Alexandra Fournier who will present a powerful text by Bel Hooks, Ne suis-je pas une femme? and Anaïs Jullien from Censored Magazine will present the work of the illustrator and tattoo artist Laure-Anne Tchen. Enjoy !
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Episode #21
03:00 – Laura Nsafou tells us what led her to start her blog, www.mrsroots.fr, in 2013 and how she came to write.
14:35 – What is colourism and how the author has denounced this discrimination through the book Le chemin de Jada.
19:50 – “Seeking the Witch“, by Marjorie Delle-Case and Alexandra Fournier.
25:03 – How does one go from a children’s book to a novel? The birth of the first volume of Nos jours brûlés, why we needed a heroine like Elikia and the need to represent the African continent differently.
39:36 – Laura Nsafou reads an extract from her book Nos jours brûlés and pays tribute to the place of the voice in transmission.
43:38 – Blue bed, Censored Magazine’s column by Anaïs Jullien.
48:40 – Storytelling is a powerful tool that has allowed the author to reconnect with African mythology.
01:04:14 – Why make the Minon the guardians of the Earth?
01:07:31 – What does the concept of being a hybrid represent?
01:09:59 – How is Nos jours brûlés a novel that is environmentalist and ecofeminist?
01:12:55 – What does the figure of the witch represent and can we make the link with the deums?
References cited
in the episode #21
Laura Nsafou: Writer and afrofeminist blogger.
www.mrsroots.fr: Laura Nsafou’s blog.
Afrolab: Project accelerator to support black women with a professional and cultural project.
Nos jours brulés: Laura Nsafou, Albin Michel Jeunesse, 2021.
La demeure du ciel: Laura Nsafou, Cambourakis editions, 2021.
Comme un million de papillons noirs: Laura Nsafou, Cambourakis editions, 2018.
Le chemin de Jada: Laura Nsafou, Cambourakis editions, 2020.
Tant que je serais noire: Tsippora S. podcast episode 05 with Laura Nsafou.
Ne suis-je pas une femme ?: Bel Hooks, Cambourakis editions, 2015.
L’œil le plus bleu: Toni Morrison, 1970.
Une si longue lettre: Mariama Bâ, Le serpent à plume, 1979.
Négropolitude: Josette Spartacus, L’Harmattan editions, 2016.
Laure-Anne Tchen: Illustrator and tattoo artist.
Candomblé: One of the Afro-Brazilian religions practiced in Brazil, but also in neighbouring countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina and Venezuela.
Manifeste cyborg: Donna Haraway, 1985.
Guest: Laura Nsafou
Animation: Sabrine Kasbaoui
Production: Gang Of Witches
Conception: Gang Of Witches, Sabrine Kasbaoui
Editing: L’Arrière Boutique
Sound design: Gang Of Witches
Musics: Gang Of Witches / Strange fruit –
Billie Holiday, cover by Jeff Buckley
Mix: Thibault Delage, Adrien Beccaria, L’Arrière Boutique
Photography: Franck Aubry
Branding: Vivien Bertin
Press review
they say
“The artistic collective Gang Of Witches launches on January 10th a podcast that resembles it. Understand: eco-feminist, intensely sororalistic and revolutionary. One of its presenters tells us a few words about it. To your helmets.”
Extract from the article from Clément Arbrun for TERRAFEMINA
8th of january 2020
Download the press review – FR [pdf – 3Mo]