Episode #15
Nesrine Slaoui
For this second full moon of 2021, our host, Sabrine Kasbaoui, receives the journalist Nesrine Slaoui on the occasion of the release of her first book, Illégitimes. During this exchange, the author looks back over her career, from her childhood in the working class districts of Apt (in the south of France), to her admission to the Science Po Grenoble school. Racism, sexism, harassment, our guest was not prepared to suffer so much violence when she arrived in this closed environment, where it is very difficult to make a place for oneself when one is not “well born”. Straddling two worlds, she has now found her way without denying her origins, and gives us her testimony.
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Episode #15
01:22 – Our guest explains why she prefers the term “rocking horse” to “class transfuge” to define its path.
02:50 – Nesrine Slaoui tells us where she comes from and in what context she wrote her book Illégitimes.
07:05 – The journalist tells us about her childhood in Apt and the exile of her grandfather who left Morocco for France in the 1970s.
12:45 – The journalist explains how the culture of good grades conditioned her childhood and her school career, and what phases of deconstruction she had to go through.
17:45 – Nesrine Slaoui tells us how some of her teachers tried to dissuade her from taking the Science Po exam, and the cultural shock she experienced when she entered the school.
28:40 – Khamsa, all the colours of feminine creation, a chronicle by Louise Thurin.
31:55 – Hocus Focus: the principle of “social reproduction”.
33:23 – Our guest explains how sociology helped her to understand the violence of the classes to which she was subjected.
38:42 – What is the Equal Opportunities programme initiated by Richard Descoings for the opening of the Science Po competition for new social environments? And what are its limits?
43:55 – Nesrine Slaoui tells us about her relationship to the word “beurette”.
47:50 – Chercher la sorcière, sound creation by Marjorie Delle-Case and Alexandra Fournier.
53:35 – Why is our guest’s situation still precarious today? And why is it important to speak up and testify?
1:00:39 – Hocus Focus: the origins of meritocracy.
1:01:57 – Our guest is returning to #Scienceporc, a hashtag created in February 2021 to denounce acts of sexual assault and rape in Science Po schools in France.
References cited
in the episode #15
Illégitimes: Nesrine Slaoui, Fayard, 2021.
Class Transformer: An individual who has experienced a change in his or her social environment in the course of his or her life.
Zyed and Bouna: On 27 October 2005, Zyed and Bouna, two teenagers from Clichy-sous-Bois, died inside an electrical transformer while trying to escape a police check.
Chers musées… (Dear museums…): Open letter from Louise Thurin published in June 2020 and addressed to French museum institutions. She asks them to do their part in the anti-racist education of their public, both physical and virtual.
Dalila Dalléas Bouzar: Algerian artist, also known under the pseudonym Louzla Darabi.
Le Destin au berceau: Camille Peugny, Seuil, 2013.
Conventions Education Priority: The Priority Education Agreements (CEP) programme was born in 2001 from the desire of the Director of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (“Sciences Po”), Richard Descoings, to diversify the social recruitment of students at this IEP.
Richie: Raphaëlle Bacqué, Grasset, 2015.
Chercher la sorcière: Alexandra Fournier and Marjorie Delle-Case aka MaPublicTherapy.
Maya Deren: American director of Ukrainian origin.
Johanna Magdalena Beyer: German-American composer and pianist.
Pierre Bourdieu: French sociologist.
Les Héritiers: Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron, Les éditions Minuit, 1964.
L’intersectionnalité, une critique émancipatrice: Kaoutar Harchi, Libération, 2020.
Des Beurettes: Nacira Guénif Souilamas, Hachette, 2003.
L’Illusion méritocratique: David Guilbaud, Odile Jacob, 2018.
#Scienceporc: Hashtag created in February 2021 to denounce acts of sexual assault and rape in Science Po schools in France.
Guest: Nesrine Slaoui
Animation: Sabrine Kasbaoui
Production: Gang Of Witches
Conception: Gang Of Witches, Sabrine Kasbaoui
Editing: L’Arrière Boutique
Sound design: Gang Of Witches
Musics: Gang Of Witches
Mix: Thibault Delage, Adrien Beccaria, L’Arrière Boutique
Photography: Richard Dumas
Branding: Vivien Bertin
Press review
they say
“The artistic collective Gang Of Witches launches on January 10th a podcast that resembles it. Understand: eco-feminist, intensely sororalistic and revolutionary. One of its presenters tells us a few words about it. To your helmets.”
Extract from the article from Clément Arbrun for TERRAFEMINA
8th of january 2020
Download the press review – FR [pdf – 3Mo]