Ophélie - Ta Mère Nature
It’s the full moon dear witches! This month, Paola Hivelin and Sophie Rokh explore the Arcana of The Magician with Ophélie Damblé, from the Ta Mère Nature project. The urban farmer (who is also a radio host, columnist, author and digital content creator) answers questions from our hosts about reconnecting with nature in the city, urban agriculture, green rebellion and urban greening. In this episode, you will find the Lunar Saga of Stéphanie Lafranque, aka La Tisanière Tatouée, Jeanne Burgart Goutal’s ecofeminist thoughts, as well as the columns of Jennifer Padjemi, Feminisms & Pop Culture, and Marilyn Brentegani, who guides us each month on the path of medicinal plants in her Herboristerie Initiatique. You will also discover Just The Good News Please!, the column of our favourite British journalist, Jo Youle. Have a good listening!
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Episode I
00:40 – This month the arcana of the Magician is in the spotlight, will and determination that exploit the world of the spirit and the material world. A nice way to start the theme of urban vegetation.
02:13 – Ophélie Damblé is the guest of this new episode, presentation and first question: Can we achieve food autonomy in the city?
06:01 – Just The Good News Please, Jo Youle’s column.
08:09 – Is the green thumb a myth? Our guest also talks about her perception of reality and the city, has it changed since she started working in urban agriculture?
12:17 – The ecofeminist thoughts of Jeanne Burgart Goutal.
20:20 – I have a terrace but a small budget, how can I use it?
23:09 – Feminisms & Pop Culture, Jennifer Padjemi.
27:57 – How to garden ethically?
30:09 – Initiatory Herbalism of Marilyn Brentegani.
36:52 – How does urban greening work? What kind of public does Ophélie welcome to her workshops?
40:50 – Our guest gives us her perception of the archetype of the witch.
43:17 – La Saga lunaire de Stéphanie Lafranque aka La Tisanière Tatouée.
49:19 – This is the end of this interview, back to Ophélie’s different skills and where to find her work.
References cited
in the episode I
Readings by Paola Hivelin and Sophie Rokh
The Library of Esoterica vol2 – Tarot: Jessica Hundley, Taschen, 2021.
Vers des humanités écologiques: Deborah Bird Rose, Wild Project, 2019.
Where can I find Ophélie Damblé’s work?
Ta Mère Nature: Urban greening project by Ophélie Damblé.
Chaîne Youtube Ta Mère Nature: Each month Ophélie Damblé creates video content on the theme of urban greening.
La Cité Fertile: Since July 2020, Ophélie Damblé, has set up her quarters in the Cité Fertile to create a laboratory for experimentation around urban agriculture, by running a neighborhood nursery, workshops and digital content.
Guerilla Green – Guide de survie végétale en milieu urbain: Ophélie Damblé et Cookie Kalkair (illustrations), Steinkis éditions, 2019.
Manifeste pratique de végétalisation urbaine – 50 actions coups de green pour changer la ville sans la quitter: Ophélie Damblé, Solar, 2020.
Opération bye bye béton: Ophélie Damblé, Roca Balboa (illustrations), La Ville Brûle, 2022.
Plantez-vous !: Podcast of 10 episodes, France Bleu, 2022.
Where to get quality seedlings?
- Partageons les jardins
- La Ferme de Sainte Marthe
- Germinance
- Esssem’Bio
- Semaille
- Conservatoire de Milly-la forêt
- Les Incroyables Comestibles
References cited in Jeanne Burgart Goutal’s column
Reclaiming: Reclamation is a modern witchcraft tradition, aimed at combining the goddess movement with feminism and political activism.
Rêver l’obscur – Femmes, magie et politique: Starhawk, Cambourakis, 2016.
The Beginner’s Guide to Wicca: How to Practice Earth-Centered Spirituality: Sounds True Inc, Starhawk, 2003.
Guest: Ophélie Damblé – Ta Mère Nature
Animation: Paola Hivelin et Sophie Rokh
Production: Gang Of Witches
Conception: Gang Of Witches
Editing, mix : Paola Hivelin et Sophie Rokh
Sound design: Gang Of Witches
Musics: Gang Of Witches / Cannonball, The Breeders, 1993 / Rebel Girl, Bikini Kill, 1992
Photography: Elliot Broué
Branding: Vivien Bertin
Press review
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